Vokser der penge på træerne
Bank- og Sparekassemuseet
September 2020 - august 2021
Oplev den hidtil største udstilling af ARTMONEY med 1200 værker fra 120 kunstnere på Bank- og Sparekassemuseet i København.
Kunstneres værker er skabt under corona-krisen, og alle Artmoney er til salg på udstillingen.
Jonna Pedersen deltager med 10 Artmoney, hvoraf 2 allerede er solgt.
Bank- og Sparekassemuseet viser desuden en samtaleudstilling for hele familien om penge. Udstillingen handler om, hvad penge er og hvorfor de findes. Udstillingen giver børn og unge redskaber til at få et sundt forhold til penge nu og i voksenlivet. De kan f.eks. lære om lommepenge, værdi, ønsker og hvordan de får deres penge til at gro.
Udstillingen er udviklet af Historie & Kunst i Københavns Kommune i samarbejde med Nathalie Nystad, forfatter til ”Den store pengebog”, kunstner Lars Christian Kræmmer og museumsinspektør Kirsten Egholk.
Udstillingen hænger til august 2021.
Bank- og Sparekassemuseet
Overgaden neden Vandet 11 / 1414 København K
in my own space
Bredgade kunsthandel
17 september - 17 october 2020
What significance does a crisis period have for the artist's creativity and final work? Often the focus is on the limitations that a crisis entails, rather than the positive scenarios that are allowed to unfold in an unexpected situation. This is exactly the theme that the upcoming exhibition "In My Own Space" will be based on. Each will show us how their work and creative process has proceeded under a lock-down period.
Artists: Awang Behartawan, Jeppe Lauge, Bent Hedeby, Jonna Pedersen and Malte Fisker.
Jonna Pedersen exhibits new paintings from the series [ Fone ].
Opening: 17 September from 4-7 pm
Exhibition period: 17 September - 17 October 2020
Bredgade 69 / DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Open: Tuesday to Friday 1-6 pm / Saturday 1-3 pm
Udstilling & Artist talk 8.-13. september 2020
Billedkunstner Jonna Pedersen byder på kunst, artwear, musik og Artist Talk i atelier legeHUSET.
8.-13. september, kl. 13-18: Udstilling i legeHUSET - Jonna Pedersen omviser
12. og 13. september, kl. 13-14: Artist Talk, digtoplæsning & musik.
Tilmelding på kunst@jonnapedersen.dk
Først-til-mølle. Begrænset antal deltagere.
Gratis entré. Alle er velkomne. Vi har håndsprit og holder afstand.
Sted: legeHUSET, Blistrupvej 14, 2610 Rødovre
Arrangementet er støttet af Kulturministeriet. Samarbejdspartner
Artists: Lene Bødker, Karin Mørch og Pipaluk Lake, Ann-Lisbeth Albek Sanvig, Anna Lindgren, Anna U Davis, Anne Koldsø, Annelise Kalbak, Annette Wier, Asti Luihn, Awang Behartawan, Christina Mosegaard, Bent Hedeby, Daniel Goldenberg, Henrik Martensen, Hussein Tai, Håkan Nyström, Johnny Tas, Jonna Pedersen, Külli Suitso, Neel Jans, Ola Kalnins, Simon Bang, Soile Yli-Mäyry, Thor Lindeneg, Tolli and William Skotte Olsen. Jonna Pedersen exhibits 4 new paintings from the series [ Fone ].
Exhibition period: 11 July - 15 August 2020
Bredgade 69 / DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Open: Tuesday to Friday 1-6 pm / Saturday 1-3 pm
playHOUSE Artwear is premium lady and gentlemen t-shirts and skirts designed by Jonna Pedersen, using hers and her husband Bjørn Eriksen's artworks.
Virtuelt atelierbesøg i legehuset
Kom med på et virtuelt atelierbesøg i legeHUSET og hør Jonna Pedersen fortælle om hvad hun er optaget af i sin kunst pt, hendes inspirationskilder, og om hun arbejder med andet end maleriet.











50 new artmoney
Artmoney is a global, alternative currency made of original art. The basic idea of artmoney is, that artists produce a hand-made currency at a fixed value that can be spend at regular shops. For Pedersen making Artmoney is great fun. For her, it is a way of challenging herself as the format is so small. For many years she has made her Artmoney as a tribute to people, love and music.
Artmoney holds the format 12x18 cm and the value of Danish Kroner 200.
Artmoney er en global, alternativ valuta lavet af original kunst. Ideen med Artmoney er, at kunstnere producerer en håndlavet valuta, som kan bruges i almindelige butikker som betaling. For Pedersen er det sjovt at skabe Artmoney, og en god måde at udfordre sig selv, da formatet er så lille. Alle er skabt som en hyldest til kærligheden, musikken og mennesker, hvis smukke sjæle lever videre et andet sted.
Artmoney måler 12x18 cm og holder en fast kurs på DKK 200.
New paintings /
nye malerier
Size 45 x 40 cm and 140 x 90 cm.
24 - 26 january 2020
Human and nature
Art Gallery No. 6, Guangzhou, China
5 - 22 january 2020
International Exhibition of China and Europe Contemporary Art
The concept of nature, including human and other species within culturally and historically diverse circumstances, as well as questions about the interaction between human and nature and its consequences. Is humanity basically one species in the richness of all species of nature, or is the human race special? Our current conception places human in a responsible position as a contributor to the well-being of nature and our entire habitat. How human activity is reflected on a global scale and how this is reflected in the experience and interpretation of artists in contemporary art. The HUMAN AND NATURE International Exhibition reflects this important theme from the perspective of artists from different cultures.
Austria: Brigitte Kratochwill
Australia: Carol Archer
China: Cang Xin 蒼鑫, Deng Jianjin 鄧箭今, Ding Yong 丁勇, Guan Huaibin 管懷宾, Jiang Heng 江衡, Shi Lei 石磊, Wang Shaoqiang 王紹強, Zhang Zhengmin, 張正民, Zhou Qinshan 周钦
Denmark: Bjørn Eriksen, Jonna Pedersen
Finland: Mari Blomroos-Heininen, Juha Korhonen, Hong Liu-Sertti 劉譯鴻, Marja Maljonen, Laura Pohjonen, Hannu-Pekka Wettenhovi, Maria Wolfram, Winfrid Zakowski, Germany : Ursa Schoepper,
Norway: Astrid McGarrighan
Sweden: Carina Fogde
Exhibiton time: 5.1.2020 – 22.1.2020
Opening cermony: 5.1.2020, 2:30 pm
Exhibiton venue: Art Gallery No.6 廣州紫泥堂六號倉藝術館, Zini Town of Art, Zini Village, Shawan Town, Fanyu District, Guangzhou 511487, China 廣州番禺區沙灣鎮紫泥村西安路7號紫
Open hours: Tue-Sun 10:00-17:30
Organizer: GALLERIA KOOKOS, Hong Liu-Sertti, www.galleriakookos.fi
Curator: Mari Blomroos-Heininen
Release Party og Åbent Atelier
24. november kL. 13-18
legeHUSET, Blistrupvej 14, 2610 Rødovre
Kl. 13-18: Udstilling af små værker oplagte som julegaver fx Artmoney til 200 kr. og tegninger til 500 kr.
Kl. 14-14.45: Bjørn Eriksen spiller numre fra sine 3 nye album
Kom og nyd en hyggelig eftermiddag sammen med os over et glas vin og lidt hjemmebagt mundgodt.
Vi glæder os til at se jer, tag endelig familie og venner med.
tegninger og bøger
sydhavnens kunstkiosk, Aarhus
5. oktober - 21. december 2019
Jonna Pedersen udstiller 8 nye tegninger og bøger i Sydhavnens Kunstkiosk i Aarhus. Tegningerne er indrammet og måler 23 x 32 cm. Kig forbi dette skønne sted og se andre fine værker til små penge, find måske en julegave ;-)
Udstillingsperiode: 5. oktober - 21. december 2019
Åbent: Hver tirsdag kl. 12-18
søndag 24/11 kl. 12-16
fredag 29/11 kl. 12-18
søndag 8/12 kl. 12-16
søndag 15/12 kl. 12-16
lørdag 21/12 kl. 12-16
Jægergårdsgade 152, St. Th







100% vrouw
Global village
grote of st. Laurenskerk
alkmaar, Holland
24-27 october 2019
From 24 to 27 October the Dutch foundation White Cube is organizing an exhibition with 100 female artists in the Big Church of Alkmaar (35km North of Amsterdam). Jonna Pedersen is showing 2 new paintings at the group show.
100% Vrouw is an international exhibition that shows unique images of women. Who withdraw from existing gender typing and transcend the traditional male-female role. This results in the portrait of a versatile woman. A woman with different faces, character traits who rightly claim her equality. The initiator of the exhibition is Jeroen van Paassen, founder of the White Cube foundation and curator of, among others, PLAY room.
Jeroen van Paassen says about the concept: "In the past 10 years I have met many female artists while organizing international exhibitions. I have been impressed by their strength, militancy and creativity. It is admirable how these women manage to evade the position in which they are forced by their environment. And above all inspiring.”
Artists: See list to the left.
Exhibition period: 24 - 27 October 2019
Grote of St. Laurenskerk, Koorstraat 2, 1811 GP Alkmaar, Holland
See photos from the exhibition here




teaser exhibition for 100% vrouw
play room, zaandam, Holland
27 sep - 20 oct 2019
A teaser of the large, international all-female exhibition '100% VROUW'.
From 24 to 27 October the Dutch foundation White Cube is organizing an exhibition with 100 female artists in the Big Church of Alkmaar (35km North of Amsterdam). At PLAY room a teaser will be shown before this big exhibition, to get in the mood.
The exhibition is also interesting for men and children.
Artists: Marina Abramoviç, Amira Al-Sharif, Zen van Bommel, Tracey Emin, Kristin Farr, Evelien de Jong, KASHING, Jonna Pedersen, Iris Perez Romero, Zoe Simon, Kate Studley and Gea van der Zaag.
Opening: 27 September from 6-9 pm
Live performance by Zoe Simon: 20 October at 3 pm
Exhibition period: 27 September - 20 October 2019
Open: Friday to Sunday 1- 6 pm
PLAY room
Westzijde 99
1506 GA Zaandam, Holland
Summer exhibition 2019
Bredgade Kunsthandel
Artists: Awang Behartawan, Anders Bendixen, Agnete Brinch, Patricia Brøndum, Faire, Pipaluk Lake, Henrik Martensen and Jonna Pedersen.
Jonna Pedersen exhibits new paintings and 3D textile phones from the series [ Fone ].
Opening: 17 August from 12 - 4 pm
Exhibition period: 17 August – 14 September 2019
Bredgade 69 / DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Open: Tuesday to Friday 1-6 pm / Saturday 1-3 pm
the 20 commandments
Kunsthal vejle
3 august - 31 october 2019
Jonna Pedersen is behind the first solo exhibition to be shown at Kunsthal Vejle. The exhibition site, which opened in 2018, is a showcase for Danish and international contemporary art, largely for conceptual art. This unique exhibition site is a double grocery vending machine from the 50's, with 20 rooms, hung at the railway station in Vejle.
The art work "The 20 Commandments", which was created specifically for this site, is the artist's interpretation of the Mosaic Law's 10 commandments as well as the artist's own bid for 10 contemporary injunctions and prohibitions.
The Bible's ten religious and moral imperatives have been used as building blocks of Danish law and social morality and have contributed to the convention that we as human beings should behave decently and properly, and live by a code of ethics. The artist has added 10 current injunctions and prohibitions, which she experiences we are subject to in today's society where the convention is more about living longer and better.
"The 20 Commandments" is an update of our common rules of life. The work reminds us of the influence of Christianity on our shared values and at the same time questions what values we have in common today and what rules of living are most important.
Opening: 3 August at 11 am / Opening speech by MP Birgitte Vind
Conversation salon: 24 August at 11 am. Dean Dorte Volck Paulsen and artist Jonna Pedersen talk about christianity, art and commandments.
Exhibition period: 3 August - 31 October 2019
Banegårdspladsen 6, Vejle / At the entrance of Visit Vejle
Open: 24/7
The exhibition is supported by the Visual Arts Council Vejle Municipality, trekantområdets festuge and Visit Vejle.
Vejle Amts Folkeblad
Recommendation of exhibition by Billedkunstnernes Forbund
Ugeavisen Vejle
hommage to Henry Heerup
Heerup Museum summer exhibition
25 June - 1 Sep 2019
Until September 1, Jonna Pedersen's new work “Coffee Joy. Homage to Heerup ” is exhibited in the Vognporten at the Heerup Museum.
The work is part of an exhibition with other contemporary artists' works on Henry Heerup, including Frodo Mikkelsen, René Holm and Morten Hemmingsen as well as a number of Heerup's lithographs.
30 June - 11 AUGUST 2019
The works in the exhibition "Taffel" are included in Jonna Pedersen's series of works "Burning Love". Here she has examined Danish food culture based on everyday dishes and cakes, and transformed our cultural history so that we meet our cultural heritage again.
The focal point of her artistic study has been traditions, humor and sensuality. Several cakes and dishes were invented in Denmark and are strongly rooted in Danish culture. The food in the motifs is all prepared, after which she has eaten a portion and finally arranged a portion to take in the studio. Pedersen has used the portion as "model" in the studio and has served as a source of inspiration for each painting.
The exhibition also includes a table installation with candelabra and white tablecloth. Each envelope is served with a "collage dish", and the service and chairs originate from Hesede Hovedgård, forming the framework for a meeting between the art and the history of the place.
At the exhibition Pedersen also shows 12 new drawings. See the works here
Opening: 30 June from 12-4 pm
Artist Talk: 11 August 11 at 14 pm
Hesede Hovedgård 1 / DK-4690 Haslev
Open: Every weekend from 12-4 pm
easter workshop
Heerup museum
16 april 2019 from 11-2 pm
Invitation til fernisering 3. april kl. 17-19
Musikalsk indslag ved Bjørn Eriksen, som spiller numre fra sine 2 nye album.
Årets inspirerende kunstklip til Heerup Museum er skabt af billedkunstner Jonna Pedersen. Ligesom Heerup interesserer Jonna Pedersen sig for at udtrykke det nære i sin kunst. I udstillingen [ Fone ] viser hun værker, der omhandler den kulturelle forandring, der er sket i vores måde at kommunikere med hinanden på, nemlig at tekst fremfor tale har overtaget, for det er hurtigere, mere kontrollerbart og diskret. I værkerne fortolker hun en tidsånd, hvor vores telefon kultur var en hel del anderledes. Måske var der plads til lidt mere nærvær?
Specifikt til udstillingen har Jonna Pedersen skabt maleriet "Drik Irma Kaf. Hommage til Henry Heerup", som en parafrase over Henry Heerups plakat "Drik Irma Kaffe fra 1976.
Artikel i søndagsavisen
article in kunstavisen january 2019
about the series [ fone ]
Winter exhibition 2019
Bredgade Kunsthandel
Artists: Awang Behartawan, Bill Bach, Neel Jans, Annelise Kalbak, Bente Olesen Nyström, Jonna Pedersen, Sarah Rathje, Hussein Tai, Eva Toft and Annette Wier.
Jonna Pedersen exhibits new paintings from the series [ Fone ].
Opening: 12 January from 12 - 4 pm
Exhibition period: 12 January - 9 February 2019
Bredgade 69 / DK-1260 Copenhagen K
Open: Tuesday to Friday 1-6 pm / Saturday 1-3 pm
Galleri Kunstmix
24 JANUARY - 22 February 2019
Opening: 24 January from 5-8 pm
Finissage: 22 February from 5-8 pm
Odensegade 26B / 2100 Copenhagen Ø
Open: Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-8 pm
Kunsthal Vejle
From left Britta Egebjerg, Jonna Pedersen and Lene Juhler
Olesya Dzhurayeva, Ukraine
Bolatta Silis-Høegh, Greenland
Garry Noland, USA
Martin Conrad, Germany
Ola Mirecka, Poland
Haruna Shimonishi, Japan
Jan Hakon Erichsen, Norway
Terje Roalkvam, Norway
Sergio Lucene, Brazil
Finn Have, Danmark
Steen Rasmussen, Danmark
Jonna Pedersen, Danmark
Claus Ejner, Danmark
Lars Bang, Danmark
Jacob Juhl, Danmark
Anders Reventlov, Danmark
Iben Munnecke, Danmark
Indigo Richards, Danmark
Lene Juhler, Danmark
Britta Egebjerg, Danmark
Opening: 1 September 2018 at 11 am
KUNSTHAL VEJLE is an artist operated exhibition space for Danish and international contemporary art.
This unique exhibition space has historic and cultural significance. It is a vending machine from the 1950’s, where one formerly could buy sweet breads, magazines and open faced sandwiches. The exhibition space presents minimalistic and conceptual art.
The Kunsthal is run by the art duo Egebjerg & Juhler, who are the curators of the exhibition program. Egebjerg & Juhler have existed since 2015 and have cooperated, exhibited and created events, on the basis of the ”give and take” co-creative principle.
Kunsthal Vejle opens September 1st 2018, starting with the first of two international exhibitions. 38 artists from 15 countries will participate in the two exhibitions. None of the exhibiting artists receive fees, but they receive an artwork created by one of the other exhibiting artists. In this way artistic connections around the world will be created.
Jonna Pedersen contributes with the work EXTRA KING SIZE
The work is a painting on wood of an unused condom, in Extra King Size.
Condoms have previously been able to buy in vending machines. Considering that the work is exhibited in a vending machine where you have been able to buy a daily commodity, Jonna Pedersen wanted to create a work of a daily commodity of over size, which theoretically can also be bought in this vending machine.
Fresh Paint Contemporary Art Fair 2018
26-30 April 2018
Pedersen is showing new works from the series [ Fone ] at Fresh Paint Contemporary Art Fair 2018, the largest art fair in Israel. She is represented by MIKA Contemporary Art Gallery.
Bjørn Eriksen, Jonna Pedersen and Jenna from TV Bella
30 minutes TV broadcast
TV Bella Copenhagen 2018
TV Bella Copenhagen has made 30 minutes show about Jonna Pedersen and Bjørn Eriksen.
Join us for a visit to Bredgade Kunsthandel, where Jonna Pedersen talks about her contribution to the exhibition "Table for Two - Art Meal - Estonia 100" and recites the poem "A heavenly mouthful".
In the second part of the broadcast, TV Bella visits the playHOUSE in Rødovre, where the artist couple Jonna Pedersen and Bjørn Eriksen work side by side.