Exhibition view DR Byen, Copenhagen


Clothes make people, they say. Some clothes take on the character of public statements. Others become icons of a time or culture. In the series Existence, Jonna Pedersen is interested in how noteworthy clothes express values and attitudes and tell something about how we exist in the world. Her paintings reflect existence and changes in our culture through well-known pictorial elements which she interprets, creating stories about life and common human conditions. The series includes, among other things, Barbie's suit, Madonna's cone bra corset, Helle Thorning's red prom dress, Prince's shoes, Jackie Kennedy's pink walking suit with blood on the skirt. The clothes are painted as paper doll clothes, i.e. without the person who can lock down the interpretation. The viewer can "put on" the clothes themselves as a kind of disguise or statement for different situations in life.

By depicting iconic performers, comics and not least shoes, she leads the audience into a present now, which makes us reflect on life phases, points of view and the passage of time. The works are full of humor and zest for life, and modern man can find a foothold and space for existence in a complex time. The series is an intelligent body of work in a changing time. Pedersen's works seem at first sight inviting and festive, and when you go further in depth with the works, there are so many messages that inevitably produce a reflection.

Pedersen has expressed this theme in painting, drawing, digital collages and modified shoes (readymades / sculptures).

Read text about the series by art historian Mette Kristensen Dansk tekst nedenfor.

Me! / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2024

Emmef Riot / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2022

Lonely Hearts Club / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2024

Bad / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2021

Don’t Stop Me Now / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2021

Either Or / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2022

Back To Black / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2022

The Pledge / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2021

POW (Power of Women) / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2021

I Had A Dream / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2022

And Soleima (Suleima) / Acrylic on canvas / 140 x 90 cm / 2021

Klæder skaber folk siger man. Nogle klæder får karakter af public statements. Andre bliver til ikoner for en tid eller kultur. I serien Existence er Jonna Pedersen optaget af, hvordan særlige klæder udtrykker værdier og holdninger og fortæller noget om, hvordan vi mennesker er til i verden.

Mine malerier spejler eksistens og kulturens foranderlige udtryk igennem velkendte billedelementer, som hun fortolker og sammensætter i en fortælling om livet og almenmenneskelige vilkår. I serien Existence indgår bl.a. Barbies dragt, Madonnas kegle bhkorset, Helle Thornings røde gallakjole, Prince’s sko, Jackie Kennedy’s pink spadseredragt med blod på nederdelen. Klæderne er malet som påklædningsdukke-tøj, altså uden personen som kan låse fortolkningen fast. Beskueren kan selv ”påføre” sig tøjet som en slags forklædning eller udsagn til forskellige situationer i livet.

Ved at afbilde ikoniske performere, tegneserier og ikke mindst sko leder hun publikum ind i et nærværende nu, som får os til at reflektere over livsfaser, ståsteder og tidens gang. Værkerne er fyldte med humor, og nutidsmennesket kan deri finde fodfæste og rum for eksistens i en kompleks tid. Serien er et intelligent indspark i en foranderlig tid. Pedersens værker virker ved første øjekast indbydende og festlige, og når man går yderligere i dybden med værkerne, er der så mange budskaber, som uvilkårligt frembringer en eftertænksomhed.

Hun har bearbejdet dette tema i maleri, tegning, digitale collager og modificerede sko (readymades / skulpturer).

Læs tekst om værkserien skrevet af kunsthistoriker Mette Kristensen

Liberty Denim Boot / Acrylic on canvas / 60 x 50 cm / 2022

Bente & Søren / Acylic on canvas / 50 x 50 cm / 2021

Dottie Boot / Acrylic on canvas / 50 x 40 cm / 2020

Just Because I’m A Woman / Acrylic on canvas / 100 x 80 cm / 2024

Hanging Out / Acrylic on canvas / 100 x 120 cm / 2022

On High Heel / Acrylic on canvas / 60 x 54 cm / 2021

Born To Be Wil / Acrylic on canvas / 60 x 66 cm / 2022

Liberty Shoes 5 / Acrylic on canvas / 60 x 50 cm / 2022

Liberty Shoes Up Up Up / Acrylic on canvas / 50 x 50 cm / 2022

Who Is The Fairest Of Them All / Acrylic on canvas / 100 x 120 cm / 2022

!! / Acrylic on canvas / 76 x 62 cm / 2022

Liberty Boot 24 / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2023

Liberty Party Shoes / Acrylic on canvas / 80 x 60 cm / 2022

Hello, 911 / Acrylic on canvas / 62 x 60 cm / 2021

Liberty Boot In The Cloud / Acrylic on canvas / 100 x 80 cm / 2024

StarduZt / Acrylic on canvas / 80 x 60 cm / 2022

Liberty Shoes For A New Beginning / Acrylic on canvas / 60 x 50 cm / 2022

Le Liberty Shoe / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2023

T230 / Acrylic on canvas / 90 x 140 cm / 2021

Liberty Shoe 1 / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2021

Liberty Shoe 2 / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2021

Liberty Shoe 3 / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2021

Liberty Shoe 4 / Acrylic on canvas / 45 x 40 cm / 2021

Faith / Digital collage, ink print on Fine Art Hahnemühle paper, plexiglass on dibond / 30 x 40 cm / 2021 / 1 of 6

Hope / Digital collage, ink print on Fine Art Hahnemühle paper, plexiglass on dibond / 30 x 40 cm / 2021 / 1 of 6

Love / Digital collage, ink print on Fine Art Hahnemühle paper, plexiglass on dibond / 30 x 40 cm / 2021 / 1 of 6

Love Me Tender 28 / Acrylic on canvas / 150 x 200 cm / 2021