Exhibition view of Jonna Pedersen’s art at JANUS - West Jutland Art Museum
tilbageblik (Recollection)
4 November 2023 - 11 February 2024, JANUS - West Jutland Art Museum + shown in a revised version 14 September - 17 November 2024, Kunstbygningen i Vrå
8 contemporary artists look back. The exhibition TILBAGEBLIK consists of eight mini-retrospective exhibitions with eight contemporary artists. The artists are Anne Skole Overgaard, Bjarke Regn Svendsen, Bjørn Poulsen, Jacob Hoff, Jonna Pedersen, Karin Lorentzen, Marie Birkedal and Simon Grimm.
How do you become an artist? Is this a natural talent that unfolds? How do you learn to create art? And when can you call yourself an artist - when do you truly feel that you are one?
The idea of TILBAGEBLIK is to give the audience an insight into the engine room of art. Showing examples of all the roads – detours, byways and highways – an artist typically has to walk; all the trials that are needed to develop as an artist - and to become an artist in general.
Each of the eight artists in the exhibition contributes distinctive works that cover different periods in their artistic work. Hereby, their artistic development is shown right from the first attempts, which perhaps, when the artist him/her/them-self looks back on them, may seem awkward, naive or pretentious, to the works that gave access to academies or censored exhibitions; then comes the landmark works that set a decisive development in motion, and finally the completely new works of art that show where the individual artist is today.
Each artist has been interviewed. They were given the same five questions as e.g. "What made you start making art and why do you still do it?" and "Can you name three things that have had an impact on your artistic development?". These interviews are reproduced on boards in the exhibition. In this way, you as a visitor get answers to the questions you have often wanted to ask an artist yourself when you see her or his works.
For the premiere, Bjørn Eriksen's musical work "Drive in Reverse Karma" will be premiered by the Janus Trioen. The piece of music was composed specifically for the exhibition and expresses "Tilbageblik".
The exhibition is supported by: The Danish Art Council and the June 15th Foundation. Dansk tekst nedenfor.
From top lef:
This is not a candy-striped cow / Mixed media / 24 x 30 cm / 2007
Mr. Benz / Acrylic on canvas / 65 x 81 cm / 2006
Life in a box / Mixed media / 140 x 100 cm / 2005
Young Love / Print on glass, glass / 8 x 16 x 20 cm / 2022
Mocha On The Tongue / Poem printed on towel / 48 x 30 cm / 2023
From top right:
At Lunch, Anno 2009 / Acrylic on canvas / 46 x 55 cm / 2009
What Is For Dinner? Chicken / Mixed media on paper / 30 x 21 cm / 2017
Crunchy Sweetness / Acrylic on canvas / 54 x 60 cm / 2014
New York City Blues, Vol 7 / Mixed media on canvas / 40 x 40 cm / 2011
From left:
E / Acrylic on canvas / 200 x 150 cm / 2023
StarduZt / Acrylic on canvas / 80 x 60 cm / 2022
Coming Over For A Coffee? / Digital collage, pigmented ink on Hahnemühle paper mounted on diamond glass / 50 x 60 cm / 2023
Mocha On The Tongue / Poem printed on towel / 48 x 30 cm / 2023
8 samtidskunstnere ser tilbage. Udstillingen TILBAGEBLIK består af otte miniretrospektive udstillinger med otte samtidskunstnere. Kunstnerne er: Anne Skole Overgaard, Bjarke Regn Svendsen, Bjørn Poulsen, Jacob Hoff, Jonna Pedersen, Karin Lorentzen, Marie Birkedal og Simon Grimm.
Hvordan bliver man kunstner? Er der tale om et naturgivent talent, der folder sig ud? Hvordan lærer man at skabe kunst? Og hvornår kan man kalde sig kunstner – hvornår føler man sådan rigtigt, at man er det?
Idéen med TILBAGEBLIK er at give publikum et indblik i kunstens maskinrum. At vise eksempler på alle de veje – omveje, biveje og hovedveje – en kunstner typisk må gå; alle de forsøg, der skal til for at udvikle sig som kunstner – og for i det hele taget at blive kunstner.
Hver af de otte kunstnere på udstillingen bidrager med karakteristiske værker, der dækker forskellige perioder i deres kunstneriske virke. Hermed vises deres kunstneriske udvikling lige fra de første forsøg, der måske, når kunstneren selv ser tilbage på dem, kan virke kejtede, naive eller prætentiøse, videre til de værker, der gav adgang til akademier eller censurerede udstillinger; herefter kommer skelsættende værker, der satte en afgørende udvikling i gang, og endelig de helt nye kunstværker, der viser, hvor den enkelte kunstner er i dag.
Hver kunstner er blevet interviewet. De har fået de samme fem spørgsmål som f.eks. ”Hvad fik dig til at begynde at lave kunst, og hvorfor gør du det endnu?” og ”Kan du nævne tre ting, der har haft betydning for din kunstneriske udvikling?”. Disse interviews er gengivet på plancher i udstillingen. På den måde får man som besøgende svar på de spørgsmål, man ofte selv har haft lyst til at kunne stille en kunstner, når man ser hendes eller hans værker.
Til ferniseringen uropføres Bjørn Eriksens musikværk ”Drive in Reverse Karma” ved Janus Trioen. Musikværket er komponeret specifikt til udstillingen og udtrykker "tilbageblik".
Udstillingen er støttet af Statens Kunstfond og 15. Juni Fonden.
Exhibition view of Jonna Pedersen’s art at Kunstbygningen i Vrå